knelacmosea Admin replied

295 weeks ago

Star Trek V: The Final Frontier In Hindi 720p

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a5c7b9f00b Captain Kirk and his crew must deal with Mr. Spock's long-lost half-brother who hijacks the Enterprise for an obsessive search for God at the center of the galaxy.
When the newly-christened starship Enterprise's shakedown cruise goes poorly, Captain Kirk and crew put her into Spacedock for repairs. But an urgent mission interrupts their Earth-bound shore leave. A renegade Vulcan named Sybok has taken three ambassadors hostage on Nimbus III, the Planet of Galactic Peace. This event also attracts the attention of a Klingon captain who wants to make a name for himself and sets out to pursue the Enterprise. Sybok's ragtag army captures the Enterprise and takes her on a journey to the center of the galaxy in search of the Supreme Being.
WARNING! SPOILERS MAY LEAK THROUGH THIS INTRO! SKIP THIS FIRST PART!<br/><br/>Space… the Final Frontier… these are the voyages of the hardly tip-top condition Starship Enterprise… its 10x minute mission… to save some hostages… to end getting raided and finding God… to boldly go where no other Trek movie has gone before… to the bargain bin!<br/><br/>*sigh*<br/><br/>Perhaps I'm being a little overboard. The movie, disliked by many, is not half bad on paper. The only thing is that this thing seems rushed and the final product was less than subpar. Supposedly, Bill Shatner wanted to redo the movie in time for the DVD release, similar to what Robert Wise did with The Motion Picture. Alas, Paramount wanted nothing to do with a special edition of Trek 5 (at the time I write this - perhaps they've changed their minds later). They're probably thinking that a odd-colored "god" being is a much better sight than a much-improved rockman scene that Shatner originally invisioned for the movie. It's too bad, really. On the other hand, it's nice to see Bill cared enough to want to improve the movie.<br/><br/>Oh yeah, I'm supposed to be reviewing this movieit is… a movie with potential but brought down by crap special effects and confusing story, possibly due to editing. Not even seeing a half-naked woman can save this movieit is…<br/><br/>If only they had that Rockman, things would have been different. Oh well…
So what if this is William Shatner's directorial debut? No reason to malign this movie, which is by far the only Star Trek movie that holds true to the Star Trek(any series) episode staple of going where no-one has gone before, with presenting an "action-oriented" episode AND one that "makes you think", two categories you can divide all Trek episodes into. All in all, I'd say Shatner(who directed a few episodes of T.J. Hooker) did a great job.<br/><br/>Star Trek: The Motion Picture also did that staple, but I just couldn't STAND those gray pajamas they had passed off for uniforms.<br/><br/>The special effects could have been better, but I read Shatner's director's diary, called "Captain's Log: The Making of Star Trek V". He said the movie had gone drastically over budget, and they had to use a less expensive effects company.<br/><br/>Jerry Goldsmith's soundtrack is my hands-down favorite(I like his Total Recall score next), and I absolutely LOVE Hiroshima's rendition of the song Uhura sang on the hill, called "The Moon's A Window To Heaven".
The starship Enterprise is back, piloted for the first time (from behind the camera, that is) by William Shatner. Though he doesn't exactly parallel-park Star Trek V: The Final Frontier into a meteor, the journey is (at best) an amiably lazy Sunday drive. [9 June 1989, p.4D]
While most of the Enterprise's crew are on shore leave, chief engineer Montgomery "Scotty" Scott (<a href="/name/nm0001150/">James Doohan</a>) and communications officer Lt Uhura (<a href="/name/nm0629667/">Nichelle Nichols</a>) stay behind to effect repairs on the new Enterprise NCC-1701A. When they learn of a terrorist uprising on Nimbus III, the planet of Galactic Peace, they are ordered by Starfleet to reassemble their crew and investigate. A renegade Vulcan named Sybok (<a href="/name/nm0524743/">Laurence Luckinbill</a>) has taken three ambassadors—Klingon General Korrd (<a href="/name/nm0177927/">Charles Cooper</a>), Romulan Caithlin Dar ()—all for the purpose of commandeering the Enterprise in order to search the center of the galaxy for the planet Sha Ka Ree, which he is certain is the home of the Creator. Unfortunately, hot on their tail is a Klingon Bird of Prey, piloted by Klingon commander Klaa (<a href="/name/nm0117245/">Todd Bryant</a>) who is trying to make a name for himself by capturing Admiral James T Kirk (<a href="/name/nm0000638/">William Shatner</a>). A year after the previous film, 2287 A.D. Realizing that the entity on Sha Ka Ree is not God but a planet-bound entity that was either created by or attracted to Sybok's arrogance, Kirk, Spock, and McCoy attempt to escape in the shuttle, but the angry entity begins to wreak havoc on the planet's surface. Kirk requests that the Enterprise, still suffering transporter problems, beam up Spock and McCoy first. JustKirk is about the be beamed aboard, the Klingon warbird attacks, demanding that Kirk be handed over to them. Spock appeals to Klingon Ambassador Korrd for help. Korrd orders the Klingon ship to destroy the entity and beam Kirk aboard. Korrd orders Klaa to apologize for his unauthorized attack on the Enterprise, and it is pointed out that their "new gunner" Spock is the one who fired on the entity. Kirk says that he thought he was going to die, but Spock assures him that he was never alone. Later, both the Starfleet and the Klingon crews are shown celebrating together on the Enterprise, suggesting the beginning of a Klingon/Starfleet collaboration. During the celebration, McCoy speculatesto whether God is really out there, but Kirk suggest that God is really in our hearts. Spock points out that he has lost a brother, and Kirk reminds him that he (Kirk) also lost a brother once but that he was lucky to get him back. In the final scene, Kirk, Spock and McCoy are again out camping. The three of them are finally able to sing "Row, Row, Row Your Boat" together. Yes. Star TrekV: The Final Frontier, a novelization of the movie by American science fiction writer J.M. Dillard (pen name for Jeanne Kalogridis), was released in 1989. So far, there are 13. Star Trek V: The Final Frontier was preceded by <a href="/title/tt0079945/">Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979)</a> (1979), <a href="/title/tt0084726/">Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan (1982)</a> (1982), <a href="/title/tt0088170/">Star Trek III: The Search for Spock (1984)</a> (1984), and <a href="/title/tt0092007/">Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (1986)</a> (1986), and followed by <a href="/title/tt0102975/">Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country (1991)</a> (1991), all of which featured the Enterprise captained by James T Kirk. <a href="/title/tt0111280/">Star Trek: Generations (1994)</a> (1994) unites Kirk's crew with the crew of the Enterprise captained by Jean-Luc Picard (<a href="/name/nm0001772/">Patrick Stewart</a>). The other Star Trek movies featuring Picardcaptain include: <a href="/title/tt0117731/">Star Trek: First Contact (1996)</a> (1996), <a href="/title/tt0120844/">Star Trek: Insurrection (1998)</a> (1998), and <a href="/title/tt0253754/">Star Trek: Nemesis (2002)</a> (2002). <a href="/title/tt0796366/">Star Trek (2009)</a> (2009), <a href="/title/tt1408101/">Star Trek: Into Darkness (2013)</a> (2013) and <a href="/title/tt2660888/">Star Trek: Beyond (2016)</a> (2016) harken to an alternate reality in which Kirk was just beginning his career with Starfleet Academy.
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last edited 217 weeks ago by knelacmosea
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